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Many years have passed since each Greek family was responsible for its own oil production, with an olive press, then called a liotrivi. Today, mechanical means allow the creation of large and modern facilities that guarantee the production of extra virgin olive oil. This is exactly what we have invested in the Anagnostopoulos family. We experiment with new methods and choose the best one. By monitoring developments and constantly incorporating new technologies into our oil mills, we are constantly sure that the product we produce is the best.

Our two olive presses operate with cold pressing and are located in Manesi and Trikorfo, Messinia. In Manesi there is also a standardization production unit. Our facilities have been designed according to years of experience and have used the systems and materials that allow all the aromas to remain unchanged until the moment of bottling. With the support of our modern olive mills and the contribution of partners who share with us the same knowledge and values, we manage to produce a high quality olive oil.

During your visit to our olive mills, you can see our family estates, take a tour of the facilities and watch the video presentation of the production of extra virgin olive oil. In addition, at the olive mills you can try the entire range of One & Olive and 3TOPS products while at the same time Tasting of other olive products takes place.

If you are interested, you can attend a dedicated seminar on olive oil.



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